Saturday, July 10, 2010

For Island Voices

2) Find two quotes from each story and write down the page number

"After all,it's just paper gains so far."-pg 5
"What! Sell at a fraction at which I bought them! How can this be tolerated!"-pg 7

2) The Matyrdom of Helena Rodrigues
"Helena's tactics enabled her to tyrannize most people -with normally sensitive consciences" (pg 12 )

"It was Caroline"s daily effort to make George's scruples into absurdity."-pg 15

3) Sundowner
"So sincere was the greeting that Das.forgetting his pretensions to eqalitarianism"-pg 0
"Yes, tuan. Whatever the tuan says." - pg 22

4) Tanjong Rhu
'They are special glasses,big ones to help you see things faraway."-pg 31
"What! Does the little monkey fall slient when the tiger roars?"-pg 35

5) Evening under Frangipani
"She laughed a little at her own moralizing tone"-pg 53
"Treats, treats, that's all you Singaporeans ever think about." - pg 72

6) Lee
"Hey,I'm on hiatus from conventions."-pg 91
"What I mean is they're detached-from you-but even the most artificial of them,even the most deliberately constructed and deliberately aligned "-pg 98

7) A History of Tea
"a ghost steam into the humid air." - pg 108
"There were many inconsistencies " - pg 117

8) A Dream of China
"The Chinese are as bad as the Jews when it comes to making money." - pg 127
"That is where I truly belonged,among skyscrappers with glass fronts and gold-encrusted orchids." - pg 133

9) Release
"The man stood in the doorway,silhouetted against the corrridor light ." - pg 147
"She sat down, blinded by the scream that filled her mind." - pg 148

10) An Orbituary for Fifth Aunt Come Late
"She was my aunt but I didn't make it a point to be her niece" - pg 149
"My aunt smiled and rubbed her hands,rubbing her life,the life layered under the huge redness of her hands." - pg 161

11) Corridor
"the bravest ones further behind to make sure that nobody would run away from the gruesome scene." - pg 169
"And like an answer or a question the warm amber lights in her living-room came on." - pg 175

12) Mid-Autumn
"Instead she grinned from the photo she sent,spreading her bloodied hands beside the brick kiln in another continent." - pg 176
"The grains bit my skin as I swept the sand in search of lantern?"-pg 179

13) Hamid and the Hand of Fate
"He breathed in her talcum scent,sweet yet faintly laced with sour sweat" -pg 189
"He told God he accepted what had happened to him." - pg 194

14) The Move
"Perhaps I should take the pomegranate tree with me,she reflected." - pg 204
"and they began trundling northward up the island to a new life" - pg 211

15) Pastime
"You know this is just a story,a story to pass time.This isn't real life!" - pg 214
"It's a hobby, a pastime. It's not real life." - pg 220

Monday, July 5, 2010

June Holiday Literature Assignment

5 Memorable Quotes (Off Centre)

1."We are right on target,on the dot ,the arrow that slices the apple"
(Act One,Scene Three,Pg 26)

2."They are jealous because I am special" (Act Two,Scene Two,Pg 55)

3."You are strong,nothing can destroy you." (Act Two,Scene Two,Pg 58)

4."'If u want ,u can burn joss stick,so that the devil won't come to you"
(Act Three,Scene One,Pg 82)

5."Then why you want to control me?"

Answer Question 1 to 6 in the Off Centre Guide Book

Q1: In your opinion, how key is the parent-child relationship to Vinod's inevitable end?

Ans:In my opinion,I feel that Vinod's parents are responsible for Vinod's inevitable end.In Vinod life,his parents and him are like strangers because they hardly see and talk with each other.That why unlike other kids,Vinod is mostly living his life alone without any parent's love or care.When Vinod's parents call him.the first thing they care about is his studies.They do not even know about Vinod is having his mental illness which is depression.When Vinod try to tell them about his illness,his parents will say that it is just an excuse for him to skip his study. In the passsage page 27,we can see how Vinod say about his parent's expectation of him."My parents are hoping i'll get well tomorrow and then go abroad to study the next day,graduate on friday,do my Masters on saturday and start work as Deputy Public Prosecutor on Monday" From this we can see that when Vinod wants love and care from his parents,he get nothing back but more stress.Therefore i find that,Vinod's parents are the key to Vinod's inevitable end

Q2: 'Vinod's high expectations of himself caused his downfall.' To what extent do you agree with this analysis of Vinod's predicament and tragedy?

Ans:I think to a large extent I agree with the analysis of Vinod predicament and tragedy.Firstly,starting of the story we can see that when Vinod make up his mind,he will continue to complete without giving out like that way he try to befriend with Saloma after many time of rejection in Act 1,Scene 1,page 6 to 13.But as the story continue,we can see that Vinod'expectation getting higher and higher.In Act 2,Scene 3,page 63,we can see how Vinod thinks about Saloma,'Saloma like a stray kitten found in the expressway 'This make Vinod to feel that he should take care and protect her but what Vinod does not know is that it is beyond his control.Vinod is having his depression but yet he still have high expectation of himself.In fact by doing this,it worsen his condition as most of the things he has high expectation last time,he cannot even complete it now and this can be another factor that add in his depression.Therefore,i think that if Vinod does not have high expectation with himself from the starting,he will not even suffering and eventually die.

Q3: Discuss the reasons for Saloma's transformation in the play

Ans:Saloma has made a big transformation throughout the story.In the starting,she does not even like to get close or chat to any people around her.This is because she is quite timid at that time and she does not believe anyone until Vinod comes in her life.But in my opinion,i think that the main reason that Saloma is cured and become normal at the end of the story is not because of Vinod but Emily.Saloma know Emily when she was in the halfway house last time.Emily was the only friend that encourage her at the point of time.Emily understands that how the life of her suffering from mental illness like schizophrenia that why Emily keep telling her that do not listen to what other people say about her,just believe herself.In Act 2,Scene 2,Page 55,we can see that how Emily is teaching her to be strong to face her illness,"They are jealous ......because i am special."Because of this words,Saloma' life start to change.Not only that,because Emily,Saloma start to eat doctor's medicine despite what Vinod and her mother say to her about eating the medicine.Then she become stronger and stronger,and she dare to step in to the society to find job.From this,we can see that she is normal person without any mental illness.

Q4: "Though a minor role in the play, the character of Razali is key to the plot of Off Centre." To what extent do you agree with this assessment?

Ans:To a certain extent I agree with this assessment.Razali is a person that act as the role of security guard of a building.Throughout the stories,we can see that Razali maybe just a normal securiy guard but in the Vinod and Saloma life,he is someone that they can rely on.Everytime when they see Razali,they will often chat with him all their problems and troubles.We can also see that both Vinod and Saloma treat Razali as a fatherly figure in Act 2 Scene 3(page 63 to 79)But even through their relationship are quite close,Razali is not there when the robbery incident take place,That why this make Vinod quite angry about him after knowing that Razali is doing something that is not important than helping them there.Because of this incident,his condition start to worsen and his life start to change after losing all the faith and trust in Razali.

Q5: "Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyatta" means to "Give, Sympathise, Control". How did the major characters in the play exert control in their environment and/or their lives? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

Ans:Basically this words,"Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyatta" is just for Saloma as this words mean a lots of things to her.Without these words,Saloma was still a mental illness patient like last time,afraid of almost eveything around her.This words encourage her to stay strong and fight back against her illness bravely.She eat medicine to make sure that her illness will not take over her.That why,she manage to become normal person in the end and lead a normal life that she always want.

Q6: Based on the text Off Centre, discuss how peer acceptance and family support are vital to social status and mental well-being.

Ans:Peer Acceptance and Family Support are definitely vital to social status and mental well-being.The reason is when a mental patient is having hard life with it illness,the only people that they can rely on,is their own family.Only with family encouragement,care and love will help in the patient recovery of their illness.Without all this family and friends encouragement,most mental patients will just give up on theirselves as there is no one to rely on on that point of time.for example,Vinod is lack of factors like family encouragement and also the acceptance to the people in the society that why he committed suicide as he begening to feel that there is no point of living this world.Vinod thinks that society is a bad place and a torture compared to Saloma who thinks that society is a place where they can be better. That why both factor are important to mental patient.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Questions for Island Voices

1. "However, China had nothing to say to my spirit, if indeed land speaks to spirit. My spirit was as alien here as I was. It inclined towards a diamond city of trees and meaningful occupation, efficiently sparkling in the modern world. that was where I truly belonged, among skyscrapers with glass fonts and gold-encrusted orchids."
Do you think the reference to Singapore as a "diamond city" is apt? Why or why not? How would you describe your feelings towards Singapore, using imagery you feel suitable?

Ans:In my opinion, Singapore is a diamond city is rather quite true because most of the things in Singapore sell are more expensive than other countries.Especially jewellerys like diamond which is very expensive in Singapore. My feelings towards Singapore is,,i feel rather safe and happy in Singapore,other than the fact that Singapore sell expensive things.The reasons are Singapore have education which is one of the best among other countries and our security is good and its safe to live in Singapore.Not only that,our standard of living also better than some of the countries beside us.That why,we are quite fortunate to live in Singapore without any war or terrorism.If using imagery to say about Singapore,i will say Singapore look like a weak animal in the outside but inside it,is can be stronger than anyone.

2. "With great grandness, my uncle ordered orange drinks from the waiter. He criticized the glasses as dirty when the drinks arrived and insisted on new ones..... I kept buying him the orange drinks he swallowed with suck relish."Why do you think her uncle behaves in this manner? Do you feel sorry for him or do you regard him with distaste, as his niece does?

Ans:i think that the uncle want to act like the rich people who live in a comfortable life that why we can see that he criticized the glasses as dirty when the drinks arrived.By doing this can show him that he is a person that have status, that has the right to criticize on others and find fault with them. Actually to me,i don't feel sorry to him because he want to be this way,no one force him to do it.Not only this,he depends on his wife to work and support him and yet he wants to be rich and treated with respect.That why to him,i don't nid to feel sorry about.

3. "I returned to Singapore alienated from the china I saw, but no less eager to listen to my father's stories of the most beautiful lands."Do you find this contradiction? Why or why not?

Ans:Yes, I find it contradicting as the author did not really see the China that the author's father was talking about.However,she still want to continue to find out more about what her father's thoughts about China even though she know that the China that her father is saying,maybe not be the actual one now.

4. "A country is only as good as its men. My father is a good man.... whichever country can clain him as its own."What do you think the narrator means by the first statement? To what extent would you agree that her father is a good man? Give reasons for your answer. Which country, do you think, should claim him for its own?

Ans:I think that the narrrator is saying that a country can only be good and safely if is the citizens there are good people which mean that people there are not corrupted or bad.That why i think that good country is can only make up of good citizens . To a large extent,i believe that his father is a good man.In the story we can see that,her father send back a lot of money to help and provide his brother who is still in China.Even though he know that his brother's wife only ask for a small of money but he just send back a big sum of money to his brother with any grumble or complain.I think that Singapore is the best place to claim him because he can stay here and enjoy his peaceful life rather than going back to China to work hard just to provide his brother.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Island Voices

Questions: 1, 2, 3 & 4 (pg 13 & 14 on notes)

1) Do the respective authors use these traditional chinese rituals ( eating paper dissolved in drink, burning of paper money and houses, lighting joss-sticks and praying to dead ancestors) just for irony or for more profound purposes? What are these purposes?

To me,I believe they do all these things is for profound purposes.According our chinese's belief,by drinking paper that dissolved in the water help us a lot of things.If we have incurable diseases like cancer,by drinking the paper that dissolved in water will cure the disease.If we have a lot of bad luck lately,it is to believe that by drinking dissolved paper will clear all the bad luck and good luck will start to come.Burning of paper money and houses is a traditional thing to do for chinese ritual because people believe that burning all these paper money and houses ,the person that passed away will receive it and can live a good life in heaven.Lighting joss-sticks to the dead ancestors is a form of respect.People pray to them is because it is to believe that their dead ancestors are able to hear them and also protect them.

2) Would you yourself, as a modern young Singaporean, see the relevance of such cultural rituals in your society as necessary still, or are a hindrance to progress and enlightened thinking?

As a modern young singaporean,I see the relevance of such cultural rituals in this society as neccessary still.One important reason is because this is a chinese culture and for all chinese people have to do all these things like burning of paper money and houses, lighting joss-sticks and praying to dead ancestors because all of these is a tradition of our chinese culture which had started from very long ago until now.Therefore as a chinese singaporean,I should follow and also respect it as this is our chinese traditional things to do when we have a chinese rituals.Therefore in conclusion, cultural rituals is still necessary and it should not be a hindrance to progress and enlightened thinking.

3)Do you think the elderly in Singapore are out of touch with the contemporary world? How far is it a virtue to remain contented like old Mrs Li and think that there is nothing more that a person, especially an elderly one, can want?

Actually,not all the elderly people are out of touch with the contemporary world is because nowadays,the elderly people are slowly catching up with things like technologies.For example,using computers and handphone.They learn all these through their friends,their son and daughter and sometimes their grandchildren too.But most of the elderly are still out of touch with the contemporary world because most of elderly people do not really know and also use all those things like technologies nowadays in Singapore.Most of the elderly's thinking are quite traditional.That why,when come to get in touch with technology,they will have problems with it as they have totally no idea of it and also how to use it.It is a virtue to remain contented like old Mrs Li and think that there is nothing more that a person wants but nowadays we can see most of the people are not so easily satisfied,that why they keep buying new things for their satisfactory

4)Is looking back at the past necessarily a good thing? This particular story uses the past to affirm strong ties, emotion and sentiment, but when can it become a negative habit?

Looking back at the past has its advantage and also disadvantage.Sometime,if we look back at the past,we can learn and also correct our mistakes to prevent from doing it again in future. Past does not mean sadness only,there is also happy memories.For example.Mrs Li remembered the happy times that she and her husband had before he died.But looking back at the past consistently is not very good habit to do as you cannot see the reality.You will always live in your past and will not have even a chance to get in touch with the real world.For example,Mrs Li always look back at her past that why she become too focus on the past causing her to have lesser chance of getting in touch with the real world.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Choose two stories that reveal the thinking of older generation of Singaporeans.What new insights have u gained from such a revelation ?

The two stories that i will talk about is Tanjong Rhu and The Move.

First,let talk about Tanjong Rhu,Mr Lee's mother who is known as Ah Ma is representing the older generation of Singaporean.She always likes to chat about her past.All things that happen on that time.Not like Mr Li who always talk about things that is present nowadays.Ah Ma also quite a thrifty person.She does not like her son spend money to buy things just for her for example the binoculars for her eyes.She recollects times when her husband was still alive and Mr Li was just a kid playing by the sea.Through this,we have gain a new insight about the past and those who living aroung her.

Second,we will talk about The Move .In The Move,the person that present the older generation of Singaporeans is Madam Teo,the mother of Jimmy and Tommy.This story mainly talks about Madam Teo moving to her son new house.But that is when the problems starts.Madam Teo wants to bring all her old and sentimental items along with her.One reason is that all her things have stay with her for very long time and she have feelings with it.But the problem is that,her children all disagree of her doings because they find all her things is old and run-down and they can just buy a new ones to replace them.For example,the pomegrante tree.Now,it has grown so big,her children all do not want to have it anymore.This shows that young peoples do not treasure things that they have in the past,all they want is to get a new ones to replace them. Whereas most people of the older generation treasures everything they have, mostly because they experience more hardship than the younger generation and they find all their things is very important to them.

-Choose file (5) links and write comments of comment of 50 to 100 words about the content of the blogs(not design/pictures/layout)






Sunday, January 24, 2010

Q 12

How are Young people and their ideals presented in two stories in the collection? How far do you identify with these young people?

-Evening Under frangipani

At one level at touching love story that *bemoans the "barriers of pride that isolates each and every human being", the story also involves the racial prejudice that keeps two people apart from each other.

-Hamid and The Hand of Fate

The tale of Hamid whose life is changed forever by an accident which claims his right arm. A simple young man, Hamid decides to be patient and accepts his fate stoically. This decision does not prevent him from sensing that people around him are merely making use of him, hoping to get money from him.


-With reference a suitable story,discuss how far changes is shown to be either welcome or feared?


It is between a Singaporean father and his westernized daughter, the weird and uneasy relationship between father and daughter clashes between the 'Asian' and 'Western' culture .