Saturday, July 3, 2010

Questions for Island Voices

1. "However, China had nothing to say to my spirit, if indeed land speaks to spirit. My spirit was as alien here as I was. It inclined towards a diamond city of trees and meaningful occupation, efficiently sparkling in the modern world. that was where I truly belonged, among skyscrapers with glass fonts and gold-encrusted orchids."
Do you think the reference to Singapore as a "diamond city" is apt? Why or why not? How would you describe your feelings towards Singapore, using imagery you feel suitable?

Ans:In my opinion, Singapore is a diamond city is rather quite true because most of the things in Singapore sell are more expensive than other countries.Especially jewellerys like diamond which is very expensive in Singapore. My feelings towards Singapore is,,i feel rather safe and happy in Singapore,other than the fact that Singapore sell expensive things.The reasons are Singapore have education which is one of the best among other countries and our security is good and its safe to live in Singapore.Not only that,our standard of living also better than some of the countries beside us.That why,we are quite fortunate to live in Singapore without any war or terrorism.If using imagery to say about Singapore,i will say Singapore look like a weak animal in the outside but inside it,is can be stronger than anyone.

2. "With great grandness, my uncle ordered orange drinks from the waiter. He criticized the glasses as dirty when the drinks arrived and insisted on new ones..... I kept buying him the orange drinks he swallowed with suck relish."Why do you think her uncle behaves in this manner? Do you feel sorry for him or do you regard him with distaste, as his niece does?

Ans:i think that the uncle want to act like the rich people who live in a comfortable life that why we can see that he criticized the glasses as dirty when the drinks arrived.By doing this can show him that he is a person that have status, that has the right to criticize on others and find fault with them. Actually to me,i don't feel sorry to him because he want to be this way,no one force him to do it.Not only this,he depends on his wife to work and support him and yet he wants to be rich and treated with respect.That why to him,i don't nid to feel sorry about.

3. "I returned to Singapore alienated from the china I saw, but no less eager to listen to my father's stories of the most beautiful lands."Do you find this contradiction? Why or why not?

Ans:Yes, I find it contradicting as the author did not really see the China that the author's father was talking about.However,she still want to continue to find out more about what her father's thoughts about China even though she know that the China that her father is saying,maybe not be the actual one now.

4. "A country is only as good as its men. My father is a good man.... whichever country can clain him as its own."What do you think the narrator means by the first statement? To what extent would you agree that her father is a good man? Give reasons for your answer. Which country, do you think, should claim him for its own?

Ans:I think that the narrrator is saying that a country can only be good and safely if is the citizens there are good people which mean that people there are not corrupted or bad.That why i think that good country is can only make up of good citizens . To a large extent,i believe that his father is a good man.In the story we can see that,her father send back a lot of money to help and provide his brother who is still in China.Even though he know that his brother's wife only ask for a small of money but he just send back a big sum of money to his brother with any grumble or complain.I think that Singapore is the best place to claim him because he can stay here and enjoy his peaceful life rather than going back to China to work hard just to provide his brother.

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